Additional Resources

Deploy ArcGIS Solutions

ArcGIS Solutions are free and supported configurations provided by Esri for defense, utilities, state government, local government, and other industries that enable typical workflows in specific industries, deliver innovation, and incorporate best practices that improve your organization’s workflows.

The ArcGIS Solutions that were created specifically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been retired and replaced with solutions that can be used for any health related crisis. Explore the newest of these here.

An employee preparing for working on-site with PPE
ArcGIS Solutions

Immunization OutreachNew

Immunization Outreach can be used to inventory vaccine providers, communicate vaccination coverage, and promote available resources.

An employee performing a temperature check
ArcGIS Solutions

Coronavirus Business Continuity

Maintain business operations and share authoritative information with customers and stakeholders during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

A dashboard showing indicator lines for COVID-19
ArcGIS Solutions

and PPE Inventory

Hospitalization and PPE Inventory can be used to inventory hospital bed capacity and available personal protective equipment (PPE) such as ventilators, face masks, medical gowns, and gloves.

Esri Health & Human Services

Community Contact Tracing Webinar

On Demand | 1 Hour

By taking the simple step of adding location data to the tracing process, public health analysts will be able to perform location analytics to illuminate the places where viral spread is happening outside of direct and prolonged contact between two individuals. In this webinar, you will learn how the ArcGIS platform can support the contact tracing workflow, from data collection and management to analytics and outcome evaluation.

Watch the Recording

Watch the Video

ArcGIS Pro COVID-19 Modeling Toolbox  Version 5

The COVID-19 Modeling toolbox provides CHIME Model v1.1.5 and COVID-19Surge (CDC) tools for ArcGIS Pro 2.3 and later to assist hospitals, cities and regions with intervention and resource planning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Version 5 of the toolbox updates the CHIME Model v1.1.5 tool. The COVID-19Surge (CDC) model is unchanged in this version.

CDC‘s Compendium of COVID-19 Cumulative Death Forecasts Updated Weekly

CDC is responding to a pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that is spreading from person to person. Use this application to compare the predicted death rate results from a variety of models. Examine the methodology behind each model as well as the institutions that created them.

Best Practices and Learning Resources

The ArcGIS Community has created a vast amount of information related to COVID-19, including workflows for common tasks. From guided lessons to blogs written by GIS experts, you have plenty of resources at your fingertips to be successful with ArcGIS. 

An image of a man teaching in a classroom full of students
Esri Gallery

COVID-19 Learning Resources and Tools

A collection of learning resources and tools that can help you ramp up with skills, knowledge and best practices.

A gloved hand opening a door with an Open sign
ArcGIS Blogs

ArcGIS Solutions to help the return to the workplace

Understand the extent of the epidemic, as business and government leaders think about employees returning to work.

Individuals walking around a terminal with indicators if they are at risk of COVID-19
Esri Blog

COVID-19: Introducing Community Contact Tracing

With today’s level of mobility, adding location to contact tracing can help cast a net to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

An icon of people pointing at a big wall dashboard
Esri Whitepaper

Emergency Event Privacy Guidance (HIPAA)

New whitepapers, tools, and minimum steps you should consider when posting COVID-19 geospatial resources on the web.

A 3D image of a building with rooms highlighted based on proximity
ArcGIS Blog

Facility Mapping Solutions for COVID-19 Recovery

The ArcGIS Indoors system from Esri can help answer geospatially focused questions for reopening the workplace.

A compass laying on a spreadsheet
Statescoop Radio

COVID-19 made geospatial leaders ‘front page news’

For state government leaders charged with using GIS, the COVID-19 pandemic brought their work to the forefront.


GISCorps Projects and Volunteer Opportunities

GISCorps provides volunteer GIS professionals to public entities, nonprofit organizations, non-governmental organizations, and professional associations. If you would like to submit a memorial story or share your story of recovery, please visit the Lost Loved Ones Project. To view the nation’s most complete map of COVID-19 testing sites, view the project below. You can also register as a volunteer for future projects.

Health GIS Resources to Get Started

ArcGIS was designed to be used by anyone, and we've made accessing the tools even easier. 

Esri Whitepaper on Pandemic Response
Esri Whitepaper

COVID-19 Planning and Response

Location information is critical to decision-making associated with large outbreaks.

Grant Program
Funding Assistance

Health and Human Services Grants 

Esri grants provide GIS tools and training for low- and middle-income countries.

Esri Whitepaper on Preparedness
Esri Whitepaper

Public Health Preparedness

Public health staff use GIS toolsets to visualize all types of data and information.

Geographic Approach Guidance
Esri Story Map

Six Domains of Preparedness

Apply GIS to the Six Domains of Preparedness, outlined by CDC in this StoryMap.

GeoNet Community

Join the Discussion on COVID-19 Technical Questions

This is the place where Esri staff, partners, users, and others in the GIS community are connecting, collaborating, and sharing best practices to respond to COVID-19.

Ask questions or offer your expertise.

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